Udskaeringstid og antal påviste lymfeknuder ved kolorektal cancer

Translated title of the contribution: Resection time and number of detected colorectal lymph nodes in resection specimens with carcinoma

Mads Bo Schmidt, Ulla Engel, Anne Mellon Mogensen, Lone Nørgård Petersen, Steffen Bülow, Uhle Wied, Susanne Holck, Danish Colorectal Cancer Group

2 Citations (Scopus)


The number of identified lymph nodes (LNs) is an essential element in the pathologist's rapport on colorectal resection specimens with carcinoma (CRSC). A considerable number of papers discuss the acceptable minimum number of identified LNs to secure a correct LN status (LNS). Details as to the most appropriate grossing technique for LN detection are, however, largely lacking. In this paper the influence of the time invested by the pathologist in the pursuit of LN is investigated.
Translated title of the contributionResection time and number of detected colorectal lymph nodes in resection specimens with carcinoma
Original languageDanish
JournalUgeskrift for Laeger
Issue number35
Pages (from-to)2458-62
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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