The landscape of cognitive neuroscience: Challenges. rewards, and new perspectives.

Daniela Balslev, EM Aminoff, P Borroni, RE Brian, EF Chua, J Cloutier, ES Cross, T Drew, CM Funk, R Gil-da-Costa, SA Geurin, JL Hall, KE Jordan, AN Landau, I Molnar-Szakacs, L Montasar-Kouhsari, JK Olofsson, S Quadflieg, LH Somerville, JL SyLQ Uddin, M Yamada

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Cognitive Neurosciences, 4th edition
Number of pages7
Publication date2009
Edition4th edition
ISBN (Print)ISBN-10: 0-262-01341-X ISBN-13: 978-0-262-01341-3
Publication statusPublished - 2009

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