Screening for bacteriuria in patients with spinal cord lesion: dipstick test, microscopic examination and urine culture

K L Faarvang, P Müller, B Lomberg, F Biering-Sørensen


AIM: To investigate the positive and negative predictive values for bacteriuria of a rapid chemical dipstick procedure for leukocytes and nitrite, and a microscopic examination for leukocytes and bacteria with a urine culture being the reference in patients with spinal cord lesion (SCL).

METHODS: A prospective study. Significant bacteriuria was defined as > or = 10(5) CFU/mL. The microscopic examination for leukocytes was divided in four different cut-off limits for positive results.

MATERIAL: A total of 256 consecutive early morning urine samples were collected from 143 SCL patients admitted to our in-patient facility.

RESULTS: One hundred and twenty-eight urine cultures revealed significant bacteriuria. Eighty-seven were infected by only one microorganism, 41 samples contained significant growth of more than one species. A total of 186 microorganisms in significant growth were identified.

CONCLUSION: Three or more leukocytes should be considered as a positive result. The dipstick and microscopy tests are equally valuable, considering the single tests as well as the combinations evaluated.

Original languageEnglish
JournalSpinal Cord
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)106-8
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2000


  • Bacteria/growth & development
  • Bacteriological Techniques
  • Bacteriuria/diagnosis
  • Humans
  • Leukocyte Count
  • Mass Screening
  • Prospective Studies
  • Spinal Cord Diseases/blood
  • Urine/cytology


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