Performance of the 2016 diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia in a tertiary care pain rehabilitation setting: a diagnostic accuracy study

Hanne Irene Jensen, Morten Rune Blichfeldt-Eckhardt, Henrik Bjarke Vaegter, Palle Toft, Kirstine Amris, Nina Kvorning


OBJECTIVES: With the International Classification of Diseases 11th revision (classifying fibromyalgia as a primary pain disorder) soon to be implemented, the importance of pain physicians being able to identify patients with fibromyalgia is emphasized. The diagnostic criteria proposed in 2016 are based on self-reported pain distribution and symptom severity. The study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the 2016 diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia applied in a population of patients with high impact chronic pain referred for pain rehabilitation.

METHODS: The study was performed as a diagnostic accuracy study at two Danish interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation centers, including 215 participants. All participants were evaluated clinically to identify patients with fibromyalgia. The diagnosis was based on expert opinion, but the minimum requirements were: (1) pain in all four body quadrants and axially for at least three months and (2) minimum 8 of 18 positive tender points. Participants filled in the fibromyalgia survey questionnaire, the patient version of the 2016 diagnostic criteria. Sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios, and positive and negative post-test probabilities were calculated using a clinical diagnosis of fibromyalgia as the reference standard.

RESULTS: Based on clinical diagnosis 45% of the participants were diagnosed with fibromyalgia; of these, only 19% had been diagnosed previously. The 2016 diagnostic criteria demonstrated a sensitivity of 88.5%, a specificity of 81.5%, a positive likelihood ratio of 4.79, a negative likelihood ratio of 0.14, a positive post-test probability of 79.4%, and a negative post-test probability of 10.2%.

CONCLUSIONS: Fibromyalgia was severely under-diagnosed among patients with high impact chronic pain referred to tertiary care in two pain rehabilitation centers in Denmark. The 2016 diagnostic criteria showed sufficient discriminatory properties suggesting that the fibromyalgia survey questionnaire can be used as a screening tool assisting the identification of fibromyalgia in this patient population.

Original languageEnglish
JournalScandinavian Journal of Pain
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)67-76
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 27 Jan 2022


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