Nonkardiale årsager til troponinforhøjelse

Translated title of the contribution: Non-cardiac causes of troponin elevation

Mette Petersen, Nina Strandkjær, Jonas Henrik Kristensen, Shoaib Afzal, Pia Kamstrup, Claus Kjær Pedersen, Carsten Stengaard, Mads Nybo, Martin Overgaard, Søren Andreas Ladefoged, Kasper Iversen, Rasmus Bo Hasselbalch


With the increased sensitivity of the newest cardiac troponin assays, the risk of false positive cardiac troponin measurements has also increased. As summarised in this review, there are multiple possible causes of cardiac troponin release including several non-cardiac illnesses, particularly kidney disease. Further, there is a risk of analytical interference in which case repeated measurements with a different assay is a good tool. When there is a discrepancy between troponin measurement and clinical presentation of the patient, the clinician should consider the possibility of analytical interference.

Translated title of the contributionNon-cardiac causes of troponin elevation
Original languageDanish
Article numberV12220753
JournalUgeskrift for Laeger
Issue number20
Publication statusPublished - 15 May 2023


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