Massive open online courses are relevant for postgraduate medical training

35 Citations (Scopus)


INTRODUCTION: The CanMEDS framework describes seven roles in postgraduate training, but training and courses relevant to these roles can be limited. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) - free online courses in which anyone can participate, anywhere - may improve course participation. This study investigates the relevance of MOOCs for postgraduate medical training within the CanMEDS framework.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: We extracted a list of all courses posted by the two largest MOOC providers, Coursera and EdX, and reviewed all course descriptions and categorised each course into one of three categories--"relevant," "possibly relevant" or "not relevant"--reflecting the degree of relevance to each of the seven CanMEDS roles. We also noted course workload, duration and the name of the educational institution.

RESULTS: We agreed the most on the role of health advocate (Cronbach's α = 0.85) and the least on the role of collaborator (Cronbach's α = 0.46). After a consensus-building process, 165 courses were found to be relevant or possibly relevant, mostly to the roles as scholar (n = 75) and medical expert (n = 57). The courses had a median duration of seven weeks and a median weekly workload of 4.5 hours, and were predominantly from North American universities.

CONCLUSION: A large number of MOOCs are relevant for postgraduate medical training. A weekly workload of 4.5 hours may enable course participation even for busy clinicians. Physicians should consider these free and universally available courses as relevant and potentially effective means of education.

FUNDING: not relevant.


Original languageEnglish
JournalDanish Medical Bulletin (Online)
Issue number10
Pages (from-to)A4923
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2014


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