Leversygdom hos børn kan forekomme uden forhøjelse af leverspecifikke enzymer

Translated title of the contribution: Children can present with liver disease without elevation of liver-specific enzymes


In children, liver diseases are rarely suspected without elevated levels of liver transaminases. We describe two cases of portal hypertension of children who presented with gastrointestinal bleeding, splenomegaly and cytopenia. Both cases had normal levels of liver transaminases; thus haematological conditions initially were suspected. An elevated alanine aminotransferase level should always lead to further examination to detect liver diseases in early stages, in order to limit development of cirrhosis.

Translated title of the contributionChildren can present with liver disease without elevation of liver-specific enzymes
Original languageDanish
JournalUgeskrift for Laeger
Issue number47
Pages (from-to)V05150391
Publication statusPublished - 16 Nov 2015


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