Hysteroscopy and sonography in diagnosing retained pregnancy products. A comparative study

N. Palmgren Colov*, S. S. Sorensen, J. Hertz, S. Hancke, L. Nedergaard, A. Tabor, L. Heisterberg

*Corresponding author for this work
    3 Citations (Scopus)


    In a prospective blind study the diagnostic value of transabdominal sonography, transvaginal sonography, and hysteroscopy was compared in patients suspected of retained pregnancy products after abortion. Forty-two patients were included. A transabdominal sonography was performed. Hereafter vaginosonography followed by a hysteroscopy and curettage was done. The diagnosis retained pregnancy products was defined from a combination of the macroscopical and microscopical appearances of the evacuates. Retained pregnancy products were demonstrated histopathologically in 26 of 42 patients (62%). Hysteroscopy was found significantly superior to both transabdominal sonography (χ2-test, P < 0.02), and to transvaginal sonography (χ2-test, P < 0.02) in diagnosing an empty uterus. No statistically significant difference was found in between the two scanning modalities.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalGynaecological Endoscopy
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)29-32
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 1992


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