Home readings of blood pressure in assessment of hypertensive subjects

P.E. Nielsen, P Myschetzky, A R Andersen, G S Andersen

11 Citations (Scopus)


Out-patient clinic blood pressure (OPC-BP) was compared to home blood pressure (Home-BP) measured three times daily during a two week period in 122 consecutively referred hypertensive subjects. A semi-automatic device (TM-101) including a microphone for detection of Korotkoff-sounds, self-deflation of cuff pressure and digital display of blood pressure was used. Mean difference between OPC-BP and Home-BP was systolic +13 mm Hg (range -21 - +100 mg Hg) and diastolic +5 mm Hg (range -27 - +36 mm Hg). Although a significant correlation could be demonstrated between Home-BP and OPC-BP, the inter-individual scatter was pronounced and unpredictable from the hypertensive organ damages. It is argued, that home readings should be used to greater extent in the evaluation of patients with hypertension.
Original languageEnglish
JournalActa medica Scandinavica. Supplementum
Pages (from-to)147-51
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 1986


  • Blood Pressure Determination
  • Heart Rate
  • Humans
  • Hypertension
  • Manometry
  • Middle Aged
  • Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  • Self Care


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