Forskning på hovedstadens sygehuse--en bibliometrisk vurdering

Translated title of the contribution: Research in Copenhagen hospitals--a bibliometric evaluation


The aim of this study was to measure size and quality of the research carried out in Copenhagen (H:S) hospitals using conventional bibliometry. Based on the H:S-report on scientific publications in 1995, the research performed in each hospital and each department has been measured as the sum of publications and as journal impact factor score. Publication numbers and impact factor score varied eighty-fold between the individual H:S-hospitals. With a close relation between publication numbers and impact factor score, the Rigshospital produced 60%, Hvidovre Hospital 20% and Bispebjerg Hospital 11%, while the four remaining hospitals (Frederiksberg Hospital, the Copenhagen Community Hospital, Sct. Hans Hospital and Sundby Hospital) together produced 9% of the research. The departmental research activities as such showed correlation neither to clinical specialty nor to specific hospitals. In conclusion, the Rigshospital is responsible for most of the research in H:S. Generally, departments headed by university professors showed the highest research activity.

Translated title of the contributionResearch in Copenhagen hospitals--a bibliometric evaluation
Original languageDanish
JournalUgeskrift for Laeger
Issue number51
Pages (from-to)7673-7
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 15 Dec 1997
Externally publishedYes


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