Deprescribing: What is the gold standard? Themes that characterized the discussions at the first Danish symposium on evidence-based deprescribing

Lykke I Kaas Oldenburg, Dagmar Dalin, Anne Mette Drastrup, Charlotte Vermehren

2 Citations (Scopus)


The first Danish symposium on evidence-based deprescribing was held in September 2019. The symposium aimed to increase the awareness of deprescribing in general, to discuss the importance of deprescribing, and, thus, a potential consensus on key issues on a national deprescribing agenda. The invited keynote speaker, Barbara Farrell, from the Bruyére Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada, presented their thorough work on deprescribing guideline development and application. The symposium consisted of two parts: Part 1 concentrated on establishing the need for deprescribing in our society. Part 2 consisted of a panel debate that put the practical application and implementation of deprescribing in perspective to the input from the audience and the structure of the Danish healthcare system. The panelists represented key stakeholders, e.g., clinical pharmacists, general practitioners, hospital doctors, Danish Health Authority representatives, health politicians concerning deprescribing in Denmark. The event allowed 145 participants to discuss the importance of implementing deprescribing in a Danish setting. This commentary highlights and discusses the major themes that characterized the symposium: "why deprescribe?", "deprescribing research" and a theme dedicated to "problems of concern." The emergence of these themes formed the basis for the discussion of new strategies and a proposal for a future gold standard to succeed in deprescribing.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100102
JournalExploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy
Pages (from-to)1-12
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 21 Apr 2022


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