Cardiovascular risk factors in a cohort of Danish women born in 1936 prior to use of hormone therapy

Ellen Løkkegaard, Lene Falgaard Eplov, Anne Køster, Karin Garde

5 Citations (Scopus)


Many observational studies suggest hormone therapy protects against coronary heart disease in contrast to findings from large randomised clinical trials and an observational Danish study. A potential bias in the observational literature concerning the cardiovascular risk and benefits associated with use of hormone therapy is the so-called 'healthy user' phenomenon, i.e. self-selection to HT use is associated with healthier cardiovascular risk profile. This study investigates whether a random sample of Danish women using HT was characterised by a favourable cardiovascular risk profile prior to menopause.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)221-6
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jul 2005


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