A one-day "Helping Babies Breathe" course improves simulated performance but not clinical management of neonates

H L Ersdal, C Vossius, E Bayo, E Mduma, J Perlman, A Lippert, E Søreide

    118 Citations (Scopus)


    "Helping Babies Breathe" (HBB) is a simulation-based one-day course developed to help reduce neonatal mortality globally. The study objectives were to (1) determine the effect on practical skills and management strategies among providers using simulations seven months after HBB training, and (2) describe neonatal management in the delivery room during the corresponding time period before/after a one-day HBB training in a rural Tanzanian hospital.
    Original languageEnglish
    Issue number10
    Pages (from-to)1422-7
    Number of pages6
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2013


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