Henrik Westh
Person: VIP
Mette Damkjær Bartels
- Amager and Hvidovre Hospital, Department of Clinical Microbiology - Senior Hospital Physician
Person: VIP
Erik Filip Jansåker
- Rigshospitalet, Department of Clinical Microbiology - Videnskabelig medarbejder
Person: VIP
Andreas Munk Petersen
- Amager and Hvidovre Hospital, Gastrounit, Medical Division - MD PhD
- Amager and Hvidovre Hospital, Gastrounit - Afdelingslæge
Person: VIP
Peder Worning
- Amager and Hvidovre Hospital, Department of Clinical Microbiology - Cand.scient, PhD
Person: VIP
Heidi Meiniche
Person: VIP
Mette Pinholt
- Amager and Hvidovre Hospital, Department of Clinical Microbiology - Afdelingslæge
Person: VIP
Barbara Juliane Holzknecht
- Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, Clinical Microbiology - Senior Hospital Physician
Thomas Kallemose
- Amager and Hvidovre Hospital, Department of Clinical Research - Master of science (MSc) in statistics
Person: TAP
Morten Helms
- Amager and Hvidovre Hospital, Department of Infectious Diseases - MD PhD, Senior Resident
Person: VIP
Kristian Bagge
Person: VIP
Jan Gorm Lisby
- Amager and Hvidovre Hospital, Department of Clinical Microbiology - Chief Consultant
Person: VIP
Adam Baker
External person
Ramona Trebbien
External person
Christa Broholm
External person
Shila Mortensen
External person
Didi Bang
External person
Jonathan M Monk
External person
Henrik Thiesen
External person
Bodil Stavad
External person