7 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Line Rokkedal Jønsson with the persons below:
Christian Ohrhammer Josefsen
- Amager and Hvidovre Hospital, Department of Physical Therapy - Fysioterapeut
Kasper Søndergaard
Person: VIP
Janne Orbæk
- Amager and Hvidovre Hospital, Gastrounit - Klinisk vejleder
- Amager and Hvidovre Hospital, Gastrounit, Surgical Division
Person: VIP
Robert-Jan Nienhuis
- Amager and Hvidovre Hospital, Department of Physical Therapy - Afdelingsfysioterapeut
Person: VIP
Thomas Quaade Bandholm
- Amager and Hvidovre Hospital, Department of Clinical Research - Professor
- Amager and Hvidovre Hospital, Department of Physical Therapy - Professor
- Amager and Hvidovre Hospital, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery - Professor
Person: VIP