Johan Burisch


Research activity per year

Personal profile

Main research areas

Dr. Johan Burisch's research focuses on inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), integrating epidemiology, multi-omics approaches, and individualized treatment strategies. He has led large-scale studies, such as the ECCO-EpiCom project, to explore global and regional differences in IBD incidence, prevalence, and environmental risk factors. His work combines genetic, microbiome, and proteomic data to identify molecular subgroups of IBD, improving disease prognosis and advancing personalized treatment. Additionally, he investigates the natural history of IBD, complications such as colorectal cancer, and develops predictive tools to enhance patient outcomes. Through multidisciplinary care models and eHealth solutions, he emphasizes patient-centered management and improved quality of life for IBD patients.


Inflammatory bowel disease; disease course; prognosis; epidemiology; eHealth; clinical research; trials; systematic reviews

Potential conflicts of interest

Dr. Burisch reports grants from AbbVie, Janssen-Cilag, MSD, Takeda, Tillots Pharma, Bristol Myers Squibb, and Novo Nordisk Foundation; personal fees from AbbVie, Janssen-Cilag, Celgene, MSD, Pfizer, Takeda, Tillots Pharma, Bristol Myers Squibb, Samsung Bioepis, Pharmacosmos, Ferring, Galapagos, Eli Lilly, Dr Falk Pharma, and Orion Pharma.



2004 – 2010 Doctor of Medicine (MD), University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2010 – 2013 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2022 Doctor of Medical Sciences (DMSci,, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences - University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2023 Certified specialist in gastroenterology and hepatology by Danish Health Authority 

Awards & Recognitions

UEG National Scholar Award (Best from Denmark) (2012, 2017); ECCO Presidential Price for young investigators 2013; The Lundbeck Foundation’s Talent Price 2014; Jakobinerklubbens hædersmedajle 2014; ECCO Letter of recognition as conspicuous contributor 2014; Young Investigator Award DDW 2015; ECCO Mark of Merit 2016; UEG Week 2016 poster of excellence; UEG Rising star award 2019; ECCO Young Researcher Award – Clinical/translational science 2023; Erhoff Fondens Talentpris 2024; 

Academic supervision & reviewer activities:

  • Currently supervising medical students (5) and PhD-students (7).
  • Regular reviewer for the highest-ranking international journals within the field of gastroenterology (including Lancet, Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Gastroenteorlogy, Gut, American Journal of Gastroenterology, Clinical Gastroenterology & Hepatology).
  • Editorial board member for Gut, Alimentary Pharmaceuticals and Therapeutics. Associate editor of the Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis.
  • Reviewer for DDW, UEG Week, ECCO Congress

Research grants:

Selected grants include AbbVie (1.200.000 €), Takeda Pharma (400.000 €), Novo Nordisk foundation (161.000 €), Kirsten & Freddy Johansens Founndation (89.000 €), Aage & Louis Hansen Foundation (35.000€), Tillots Pharma (255.000€), MSD (€148.000), Novo Nordisk foundation emerging clinical investigator program (1.300.000 €), MiGut HORIZON-HLTH-2022-STAYHLTH-02 (7,000,000€), Novo Nordisk Foundation Challenge grant 2022 (8,000,000€)

Research leadership:

  • Danish Inflammatory bowel disease Biobank (DIB): Principal investigator & founder
  • EPI-IBD (formerly EpiCom): occurrence, course and prognosis of inflammatory bowel disease in Europe: Principal investigator & Project manager
  • The INCEPTION study - INvestigating the role of genetiCs, immunity, and Environmental factors in the develoPmenT of inflammatory bowel disease ON the Faroe Islands: Principal investigator & founder
  • I-CARE – IBD, cancer and serious infections in Europe. A multicentre cohort study regarding the long-term safety profile of immunomodulating therapies in IBD: Scientific committee member & National Coordinator, Denmark
  • Implementation of eHealth for self-monitoring of IBD and IBS patients in the Capital Region, Denmark: Principal investigator Development, validation and integration into clinical care of the Constant Care app for self-monitoring of IBD patients
  • IBD-Prognosis - The influence of genetics, immunity, and the microbiome on the prognosis of inflammatory bowel disease: Principal investigator
  • The CROCO Study: CROhn’s Disease COhort Study, steering group member, co-PI
  • Center for intestinal immune regulation (CIIR), Novo Nordisk Challenge Program center of excellence, steering group member


Author of >220 papers on PubMed & 3 book chapters; H-index (Google scholar): 60

Invited lectures on IBD epidemiology and disease course: >50. Oral presentations of original research at UEG Week, DDW, ECCO Congress: >50.

Board positions & committees:

  • European Crohn’s & Colitis Organization: Epidemiological Committee (2010-2014), Young-ECCO (2017-2021, Chair 2020-2021), Guideline Committee 2024-2027
  • United European Gastroenterology: Young Talent Group (2013-2018, chair 2016-2017), Scientific Committee (2013-2015), National Societies Committee (2016-2017)
  • Danish Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology: Young Trainee section (2012-2017), Research committee (2016-currently), BIOIBD registry, committee member (2019 – currently)
  • International Organization For the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IOIBD) since 2023


Working groups:

  • Consensus rapports for European Crohn’s & Colitis Organization: Extra-Intestinal Manifestations in IBD, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s disease, Diagnostic Techniques & Monitoring, Malignancies in IBD
  • European Crohn’s & Colitis Organization Topical reviews: Environmental Factors, Exit Strategies for IBD Treatments, Refractory IBD.
  • Danish Guideline for: fistulizing Crohn’s disease, acute severe colitis & mild-moderate ulcerative colitis
  • The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology: The Costs of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases in High-Income Settings – Commission leader

External positions

Professor, University of Copenhagen

1 May 2024 → …


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