Organisation profile

Organisation profile

Aims and objectives

We are dedicated to increasing equity in health by investigating and developing reliable methods for risk prediction, management of disease, and care for our patients. We aim to conceive and implement new methods which can benefit our patients across the health care sectors.

Our department has built a unifying infrastructure in which researchers from different scientific, technological, and clinical environments collaborate. This collaboration results in an annual production of 60-70 scientific articles.

The department's goal is to:

  • Be at the forefront of molecular biological, immunological, and virological research
  • Attract the best researchers in the field and be a driving force for interdisciplinary research activity
  • Network with both public and private institutions
  • Contribute to the visibility of the hospital's research activity


Focus areas

Our focus is the acutely hospitalised patient, pathways across sectors, and optimisation of treatments.

Our areas of expertise are:

  • Biological aging and inflammation
  • Implementation research and cross-sectoral patient processes
  • Biostatistics
  • Multi-disease and polypharmacy
  • Optimisation of patient outcomes for elderly and acute patients
  • Fitness training and rehabilitation


Disciplines, methods and tools

The foundation of our work is the innovative use of interdisciplinary and intersectoral research in which our researchers combine disciplines, methods, and tools from natural, social and human sciences.

The research ranges from clinical research, register research, and research in the laboratory.

The Department of Clinical Research supports the research at the hospital by:

  • Statistical advice in research projects
  • Access to clinical trial rooms and laboratories
  • Administrative support for the Research Council and the Executive Committee
  • Organising the annual Research Day and the Nursing Symposium
  • Registration of research activity and annual research evaluation based on data from the research portal PURE


Useful links

Forskningsområder og -programmer




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