Activities per year
- 1 - 50 out of 64 results
Search results
Infection and Drug Resistance (Journal)
Rezahosseini, O. (Reviewer)
9 Dec 2022Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
BMC Infectious Diseases (Journal)
Rezahosseini, O. (Reviewer)
19 Aug 2022Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
Future Virology (Journal)
Rezahosseini, O. (Reviewer)
10 Aug 2022Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
Frontiers in Medicine (Journal)
Rezahosseini, O. (Reviewer)
2022Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
Reviews in Medical Virology (Journal)
Rezahosseini, O. (Reviewer)
2022Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
Scientific Reports (Journal)
Rezahosseini, O. (Reviewer)
2022Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
PLOS ONE (Journal)
Rezahosseini, O. (Reviewer)
2021Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
BMJ Case Reports (Journal)
Rezahosseini, O. (Reviewer)
2021Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Journal)
Rezahosseini, O. (Reviewer)
2020Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
Dina Leth Møller, klinisk assistent, læge, Ph.d.-studerende: Immune Function and Infections in Patients Undergoing Solid Organ Transplantation. Hovedvejleder: Susanne Dam Poulsen. Vejleder: Søren Schwartz Sørensen
Sørensen, S. S. (Participant) & Nielsen, S. D. (Participant)
2020Activity: Other › Other (prizes, external teaching and other activities) - External teaching and subject coordination
Omid Rezahosseinilæge, klinisk assistent, Ph.d.-studerende: Varicella zoster virus infections in immunosuppressed patients. Hovedvejleder: Susanne Dam Poulsen. Medvejleder: Søren Schwartz Sørensen og Allan Rasmussen
Nielsen, S. D. (Participant), Sørensen, S. S. (Participant) & Rasmussen, A. (Participant)
2020Activity: Other › Other (prizes, external teaching and other activities) - External teaching and subject coordination
Asian Journal of Urology (Journal)
Rezahosseini, O. (Reviewer)
2019Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
University of Copenhagen (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Chairman)
2014 → …Activity: Membership › Membership in board of company or public organisation
ACR, Chicago: Difficult to treat SLE – The value of biologics registries, where are we now
Jacobsen, S. (Panel member)
7 Nov 2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Porto x 2
Jacobsen, S. (Panel member)
2011Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Jacobsen, S. (Panel member)
2010Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
European Science Foundation (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Member)
2010 → 2011Activity: Membership › Membership in review committee
BIOLUPUS Steering Committee (European Lupus Biomarkers Research) (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Member)
2009 → …Activity: Membership › Membership in committee, council, board
Innate immunity and apoptosis in lupus nephritis. Odense: Danish Societies of Nephrology and Rheumatology
Jacobsen, S. (Panel member)
21 Sept 2006Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Region Hovedstadens Sundhedsfaglige råd for reumatologi (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Member)
2006 → …Activity: Membership › Membership in committee, council, board
29th Scandinavian Congress of Rheumatology, Tromsø, Norge: What is rational therapy of scleroderma
Jacobsen, S. (Panel member)
16 Aug 2002Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Region Hovedstadens Sundhedsfaglige råd for reumatologi (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Member)
2002 → 2006Activity: Membership › Membership in committee, council, board
Workshop: ”Where the laboratory meets the clinic”, Edinburgh: Optimising autoimmune diagnostics in the future. How do we validate the long term utility of a test
Jacobsen, S. (Panel member)
23 Apr 2001Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Dansk Reumatologisk Selskab og Dansk Dermatologisk Selskab: Increased levels of serum YKL-40 in patients with systemic sclerosis are associated with pulmonary involvement and increased mortality
Jacobsen, S. (Panel member)
30 Mar 2001Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Sixth International Lupus Conference, Barcelona: Autoantibodies in SLE – Clinical associations
Jacobsen, S. (Panel member)
24 Mar 2001 → 28 Mar 2001Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
H:S arbejdsgruppe for medicinsk teknologivurdering af ANA analyser (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Member)
2000 → 2004Activity: Membership › Membership in board of company or public organisation
H:S Sundhedsfagligt Råd for Dermatologi (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Member)
2000 → 2003Activity: Membership › Membership in committee, council, board
Styregruppe for Dansk Reumatologisk Database (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Member)
1999 → 2005Activity: Membership › Membership in committee, council, board
Gigtforeningen (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Member)
1999 → …Activity: Membership › Membership in board of company or public organisation
Aarhus University (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Chairman)
1999 → 2002Activity: Membership › Membership in research network
Gigtforeningen (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Chairman)
1999 → 2007Activity: Membership › Membership in research network
Multicenterstudiet (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Member)
1999 → …Activity: Membership › Membership in board of company or public organisation
Gigtforeningen (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Member)
1999 → 2007Activity: Membership › Membership in review committee
Dansk Selskab for Klinisk Immunologi: Mannanbindende lektin genpolymorfier og tilbøjelighed til infektioner hos patienter med systemisk lupus erythematosus
Jacobsen, S. (Lecturer)
3 Dec 1998Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
International Conference on Fibromyalgia: Physical biodynamics and performance capacities of muscle in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome
Jacobsen, S. (Panel member)
Oct 1997Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Dansk Reumatologisk Selskab: Mannanbindende lektin ved systemisk lupus erythematosus
Jacobsen, S. (Panel member)
26 Sept 1997Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Lupus nephritis: Predictive biochemical and bioptic factors: Mortalitet ved systemisk lupus erythematosus
Jacobsen, S. (Panel member)
26 Sept 1997Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Styregruppe for multicenter behandlingsprojekt af tidlig reumatoid arthritis “CIMESTRA" (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Member)
1997 → …Activity: Membership › Membership in board of company or public organisation
27th Scandinavian Congress of Rheumatology 1998 (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Member)
1997 → 1998Activity: Membership › Membership in committee, council, board
Dansk Reumatologisk Selskab (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Member)
1997 → 1999Activity: Membership › Membership in committee, council, board
Dansk Nefrologisk Selskab: Lupus nephritis: Predictive biochemical and bioptic factors
Jacobsen, S. (Panel member)
5 Dec 1996Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Dansk Reumatologisk Selskab: Tromboser ved systemisk lupus eryt¬hematosus
Jacobsen, S. (Panel member)
27 Sept 1996Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Dansk Reumatologisk Selskab: Longitudinelt studium af 508 patienter med systemisk lupus erythematosus - en dansk multicenterundersøgelse
Jacobsen, S. (Lecturer)
20 Apr 1996Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Dansk Oftalmologisk Selskab: Peroral fucidinbehandling ved kronisk uveitis
Jacobsen, S. (Lecturer)
27 Jan 1996Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Dansk Reumatologisk Selskab (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Member)
1996 → 1999Activity: Membership › Membership in committee, council, board
Dansk Reumatologisk Selskab: Anvendelse af steroid-injektio¬ner ved muskelsmertetilstande
Jacobsen, S. (Lecturer)
29 Sept 1995Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Dansk multicenterprojekt vedrørende SLE (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Member)
1995 → …Activity: Membership › Membership in committee, council, board
American College of Rheumatology, 59th National Scientific Meeting: Clinical research in fibromyalgia: Improved understanding of frequent patient concerns. Muscle function in patients with fibromyalgia
Jacobsen, S. (Lecturer)
1995Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Dansk Reumatologisk Selskab: Pulmonary manifestations of chronic immunoinflammatory connective tissue disorders. Scleroderma
Jacobsen, S. (Lecturer)
19 Nov 1994Activity: Talk or presentation › Lecture and oral contribution
Standing Committee on Epidemiology of EULAR (External organisation)
Jacobsen, S. (Member)
1994 → …Activity: Membership › Membership in committee, council, board