Sokka, T, Kautiainen, H, Pincus, T, Verstappen, SMM, Aggarwal, A, Alten, R, Andersone, D, Badsha, H, Baecklund, E, Belmonte, M, Craig-Müller, J, da Mota, LMH, Dimic, A, Fathi, NA, Ferraccioli, G, Fukuda, W, Géher, P, Gogus, F, Hajjaj-Hassouni, N, Hamoud, H, Haugeberg, G, Henrohn, D, Horslev-Petersen, K, Ionescu, R, Karateew, D, Kuuse, R, Laurindo, IMM, Lazovskis, J, Luukkainen, R, Mofti, A, Murphy, E, Nakajima, A, Oyoo, O, Pandya, SC, Pohl, C, Predeteanu, D, Rexhepi, M, Rexhepi, S, Sharma, B, Shono, E, Sibilia, J, Sierakowski, S, Skopouli, FN, Stropuviene, S, Toloza, S, Valter, I, Woolf, A, Yamanaka, H
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Work disability remains a major problem in rheumatoid arthritis in the 2000s: data from 32 countries in the QUEST-RA study. i
Work disability remains a major problem in rheumatoid arthritis in the 2000s: data from 32 countries in the QUEST-RA study.. s. R42.