'Vi skal ikke ha' det samme!'

Louise Støier, Claudia Pilpel Mercebach, Hÿlia Aydin, Henriette Pauline Pedersen, Jane Sax Røgind


A study of patient satisfaction at Bispebjerg Hospital showed that areas such as user involvement and patient communication could be improved. To shed new light on existing work processes, practices, and communication in the Cardiology department, a patient feedback session was carried out. Patients with UAP or N-STEMI who underwent PCI at an invasive center during their hospitalization were invited to participate. Patients were eligible for inclusion if they were under the age of 65 and could speak and understand Danish. The aspects time and information were identified as significant for the patients’ experiences of their hospital stay. Knowing the time horizon of the hospital stay and gaining information appeared to contribute to creating unity and coherence for the individual. The paper describes the workflow for the organization of the session and the actions undertaken on the basis of the results from the session.
TidsskriftKlinisk Sygepleje
Sider (fra-til)59-72
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - 10 apr. 2014
