Trends in cerebral palsy among infants of very low birthweight (<1500 g) or born prematurely (<32 weeks) in 16 European centres: a database study.

Mary Jane Platt, Christine Cans, Ann Johnson, Geraldine Surman, Monica Topp, Maria Giulia Torrioli, Inge Krageloh-Mann

342 Citationer (Scopus)


BACKGROUND: The risk of cerebral palsy, the commonest physical disability of children in western Europe, is higher in infants of very low birthweight (VLBW)--those born weighing less than 1500 g--and those from multiple pregnancies than in infants of normal birthweight. An increasing proportion of infants from both of these groups survive into childhood. This paper describes changes in the frequency and distribution of cerebral palsy by sex and neurological subtype in infants with a birthweight below 1000 g and 1000-1499 g in the period 1980-96. METHODS: A group of 16 European centres, Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe, agreed a standard definition of cerebral palsy and inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data for children with cerebral palsy born in the years 1980-96 were pooled. The data were analysed to describe the distribution and prevalence of cerebral palsy in VLBW infants. Prevalence trends were expressed as both per 1000 livebirths and per 1000 neonatal survivors. FINDINGS: There were 1575 VLBW infants born with cerebral palsy; 414 (26%) were of birthweight less than 1000 g and 317 (20%) were from multiple pregnancies. 1426 (94%) had spastic cerebral palsy, which was unilateral (hemiplegic) in 336 (24%). The birth prevalence fell from 60.6 (99%CI 37.8-91.4) per 1000 liveborn VLBW infants in 1980 to 39.5 (28.6-53.0) per 1000 VLBW infants in 1996. This decline was related to a reduction in the frequency of bilateral spastic cerebral palsy among infants of birthweight 1000-1499 g. The frequency of cerebral palsy was higher in male than female babies in the group of birthweight 1000-1499 g (61.0 [53.8-68..2] vs 49.5 [42.8-56.2] per 1000 livebirths; p=0.0025) but not in the group of birthweight below 1000 g. INTERPRETATION: These data from a large population base provide evidence that the prevalence of cerebral palsy in children of birthweight less than 1500 g has fallen, which has important implications for parents, health services, and society.
Udgivelsesdato: 2007-Jan-6
Udgave nummer9555
Sider (fra-til)43-50
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - 2007
