The indoor as a scene for biological threats. Involving users in making smart devices effective

Kresten Storgaard*, Lars Gunnarsen, Elvira V. Bräuner

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde


The paper presents the result of involving users in developing a user-friendly device for easy and fast detection of bio-threats in indoor settings. Bio-protect is a project supported by the European Commission, with the concept of developing a fast-alert, mobile, easy-to-use device to detect and identify airborne pathogens. In the development phase of the Bio-protect project the main focus was on the optimization of the device detection limits and sensitivity, which overshadowed an adequate degree of user-friendliness. Two generations of technical prototype-solutions were developed. Based on the user-interface of the first prototype, a second user-interface was developed. We tested the first generation prototype in combination with the second generation user interface on two types of users: A) First responders with experience in bio-threat action and B) Facility Management operators with no experiences in first response. Simulation tools were used as part of the test. The methods of user-friendliness tests were observation as well as qualitative and quantitative interviews. This paper discusses the potential of using simulation as part of the user-friendliness test. We conclude that user tests may significantly improve device usability and utility, introducing new features which improve the scope of the device, beyond the focus proposed by technical designers.

Publikationsdato1 jan. 2014
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 1 jan. 2014
Begivenhed13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Indoor Air 2014 - Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Varighed: 7 jul. 201412 jul. 2014


Konference13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Indoor Air 2014
Land/OmrådeHong Kong
ByHong Kong


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