Skin barrier function.

Tove Agner (Redaktør)


Renowned experts present the latest knowledge
Although a very fragile structure, the skin barrier is probably one of the most important organs of the body. Inward/out it is responsible for body integrity and outward/in for keeping microbes, chemicals, and allergens from penetrating the skin. Since the role of barrier integrity in atopic dermatitis and the relationship to filaggrin mutations was discovered a decade ago, research focus has been on the skin barrier, and numerous new publications have become available.

This book is an interdisciplinary update offering a wide range of information on the subject. It covers new basic research on skin markers, including results on filaggrin and on methods for the assessment of the barrier function. Biological variation and aspects of skin barrier function restoration are discussed as well. Further sections are dedicated to clinical implications of skin barrier integrity, factors influencing the penetration of the skin, influence of wet work, and guidance for prevention and saving the barrier.

Distinguished researchers have contributed to this book, providing a comprehensive and thorough overview of the skin barrier function. Researchers in the field, dermatologists, occupational physicians, and related industry will find this publication an essential source of information.
TitelCurrent problems in dermatology
UdgivelsesstedBasel, Schweiz
ForlagKarger AG
ISBN (Trykt)978-3-318-05585-6
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-3-318-05586-3
StatusUdgivet - 2016
NavnCurrent Problems in Dermatology


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