Sammenhænge mellem risikoadfærd for spiseforstyrrelser og SF-36 samt selvoplevet stress for yngre danske kvinder, 16-29 år.

Mette Waaddegaard, Michael Davidsen, Mette Kjøller

5 Citationer (Scopus)


INTRODUCTION: To improve the early identification of eating disorders the study tested whether women with risk behaviour for eating disorders have lower health-related life quality and more perceived stress than women without risk behaviour. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was a representative cross sectional survey of 16-29-year old women and was part of the Danish Health Interview Survey 2005. After the personal interviews, 487 returned the questionnaires, with a response rate of 53.3%. Participants responded to RiBED-8, a screening instrument for identification of risk behaviour for eating disorders and also to SF-36 and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). RESULTS: Women with risk behaviour for eating disorders have a lower score on all subscales of SF-36 than women without risk behaviour. The differences are significant for the subscales for mental health, vitality, social function and general health. They also have a higher mean score on PSS than women without risk behaviour. CONCLUSION: Women with risk behaviour for eating disorders have lower mental health-related life quality than women without risk behaviour. They also experience daily life as more unpredictable, stressful and difficult.
Udgivelsesdato: 2009-Feb-23
Bidragets oversatte titelComparison between risk behaviour for eating disorders and SF-36 and perceived stress among 16-29-year old Danish women
TidsskriftUgeskrift for Laeger
Udgave nummer9
Sider (fra-til)709-12
StatusUdgivet - 2009
