Papilloplex HR-HPV test has non-inferior clinical performance for detection of human papillomavirus infection: assessment using the VALGENT framework

Ramya Bhatia, Elia Alcaniz Boada, Jesper Hansen Bonde, Wim G V Quint, Lan Xu, Ditte Moller Ejegod, Kate Cuschieri, Marc Arbyn


AIM: The Papilloplex high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) test (Genefirst, Oxford, UK) is a single tube real-time HPV test which provides multiplex detection and separate identification of 14 hrHPV types. Here, we present the clinical validation of the test in SurePath samples in comparison to a clinically validated reference test, the GP5+/6+Enzyme ImmunoAssay (GP5+/6+EIA) using the VALGENT (VALidation of HPV GENotyping Tests) framework.

METHODS: Clinical performance was assessed using 998 unselected, cervical screening samples enriched with 297 cytologically abnormal specimens (100 atypical squamous cells of unspecified significance, 100 low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, 97 high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions). Cases were defined as women diagnosed with histologically confirmed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia two or more (≥CIN2, N=119) and controls defined as women with two subsequent negative cytology results (N=834).

RESULTS: The Papilloplex HR-HPV test has non-inferior sensitivity for detection of cervical precancer (p=0.0001 for ≥CIN2 and p=0.0005 for ≥CIN3) and non-inferior specificity, compared with GP5+/6+EIA (pni=0.0167)). The assay also showed excellent or good agreement for overall hrHPV and nearly all individual HPV types as compared with GP5+/6+EIA/Luminex.

CONCLUSION: The Papilloplex HR-HPV applied on cervical specimens stored in SurePath medium fulfils the international clinical accuracy criteria for use in cervical cancer screening.

TidsskriftJournal of Clinical Pathology
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)172-176
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - mar. 2023


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