Marina Cestari, Sandro Michelini, Maurizio Ricci, Peter J Franks, Susie Murray, Christine J Moffatt, Serena Michelini


Background: To define the profile of patients presenting with chronic edema (CE) in three centers in Italy (Lymphoedema IMpact and PRevalence INTernational). Methods and Results: Data were collected in patients referred for CE between September 2016 and July 2017. A total of 1637 were recruited, 86.7% (1419) outpatients and 13.3% (218) inpatients with 80.6% (1319) female and mean age 54 years. Primary lymphedema occurred in 28.2% (461). In the 71.8% (1176) with secondary CE cancer occurred in 72% (846) and 28% (330) due to other causes. Data showed that 84.2% (226) had full upper body mobility, 15.5% (41) had limited mobility and 0.2% (2) had lost all mobility. Lower limb mobility status: 90.4% (1205) complete mobility, 8.4% (112) reduced mobility and 1.2% (21) wheelchair bound. Concurrent leg ulceration occurred in 32.9% (322) with 3.1% (51) having antibiotics. Treatment patterns varied with only 32.4% (530) receiving instructions in skin care, 61.2% (1002) multilayer compression and a further 67.8% (1110) compression garment with 17.6% (288) having sequential pressure therapy. Only 1.4% (23) had received psychological support. Out of the total 481/1637 (29.4%) were not prescribed any treatment. Only 50.4% (825) had access to subsidized treatments within the National and Regional Health Care System, whereas 49.6% (81) had to pay themselves with only half (50.9%) having access to treatment centers that were near their home. Conclusion: Results from this study and active lobbying have led to changes in reimbursement of care for primary and secondary lymphedema in Italy; this has led to a much more optimistic picture for those affected.

TidsskriftLymphatic Research and Biology
Udgave nummer5
Sider (fra-til)468-472
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - okt. 2021


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