Drug Retention and Response Rates of TNFi Treatment in 21,470 Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis Treated in Clinical Practice– Pooled Data from the Eurospa Research Network Collaboration

Cecilie Cornelia Heegaard Brahe, Lykke Midtbøll Ørnbjerg, J Askling, A Ciurea, E K Kristianslund, F Onen, D Nordström, M J Santos, C Codreanu, Z Rotar, B Gudbjornsson, D D Giuseppe, M J Nissen, T Kvien, M Birlik, N Trokovic, A Barcelos, R Ionescu, M Tomsic, A J GeirssonA G Loft, H F Mann, T Rusman, J J Gomez-Reino, G T Jones, F Iannone, K Pavelka, I van der Horst-Bruinsma, Lise Hejl Hyldstrup, N S Krogh, Merete Lund Hetland, Mikkel Østergaard

TidsskriftArthritis & Rheumatology
Udgave nummerS9
Antal sider3
StatusUdgivet - 2018
