Does Drug Effectiveness of 2nd and 3rd bTNF Inhibitors in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis Depend on the Reason for Withdrawal from the Previous Treatment? – Results from the EuroSpA Research Collaboration

Cecilie Cornelia Heegaard Brahe, Lykke Midtbøll Ørnbjerg, L. Jacobsson, M. J. Nissen, E. Kristianslund, H. Mann, M. J. Santos, M. Pombo-Suarez, D. Nordström, Z. Rotar, B. Gudbjornsson, F. Onen, C. Codreanu, A. G. Loft, U. Lindström, B. Moeller, J. Sexton, K. Pavelka, A. Barcelos, C. Sánchez-PiedraK. K. Eklund, M. Tomsic, T. J. Love, G. Can, R. Ionescu, M. van de Sande, I. van der Horst-Bruinsma, G. Jones, F. Iannone, Brigitte Michelsen, Lise Hejl Hyldstrup, N. S. Krogh, Mikkel Østergaard, Merete Lund Hetland

TidsskriftArthritis & Rheumatology
Udgave nummerS10
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 2019
