Development of an ultrasound scoring system for CPPD extent: results from a Delphi process and web-reliability exercise by the OMERACT US working group: Results from a Delphi process and web-reliability exercise by the OMERACT US working group

S Sirotti, Antonella Adinolfi, Arianna Damiani, Fabio Becce, Tomas Cazenave, Edoardo Cipolletta, Sara Nysom Christiansen, Andrea Delle Sedie, Mario Enrique Diaz Cortes, Fabiana Figus, Emilio Filippucci, Hilde Berner Hammer, Peter Mandl, Daryl K. MacCarter, Mihaela Micu, Ingrid Möller, Mohammed A Mortada, Gaël Mouterde, Esperanza Naredo, Francesco PortaAnthony Reginato, Garifallia Sakellariou, Wolfgang A. Schmidt, Carlo Alberto Scirè, Teodora Serban, Violeta Vlad, Florentin Ananu Vreju, Richard Wakefield, Pascal Zufferey, Piercarlo Sarzi Puttini, Annamaria Iagnocco, Carlos Pineda, Helen I Keen, Maria-Antonietta d'Agostino, Lene Terslev, Georgios Filippou

StatusUdgivet - 2022
BegivenhedEULAR 2022 - Copenhagen
Varighed: 1 jun. 20224 jun. 2022


KonferenceEULAR 2022
