Behandling af svær anæmi hos patienter, der afviser blodtransfusion

Kristian Lorentzen, Bjarne Nordstrøm Kjær, Karsten Skovgaard Olsen


    In situations involving serious bleeding and anaemia, a refusal of blood transfusion puts the clinician in an ethical and medical dilemma, as standard treatment is not an option, and the patient risks dying of a potentially reversible cause. This status article describes methods of treatment under the concept of "bloodless medicine", where surgical and supportive techniques are used to manage and treat severe anaemia.

    Bidragets oversatte titelTreatment of severe anaemia in patients who refuse blood transfusion.
    TidsskriftUgeskrift for læger [online]
    Udgave nummer7
    Sider (fra-til)64-67
    Antal sider4
    StatusUdgivet - 31 mar. 2014


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