Association between long-term statin use and cataract surgery: a nationwide study on 505 105 cataract surgery patients


AIMS: To assess the association between statin use and cataract surgery according to different statin treatment durations in patients with different cardiovascular risk profiles.

METHODS AND RESULTS: We performed a nested case-control study using Danish registries, covering the period from 1 January 1996 to 31 December 2020. We defined cases as surgically treated cataract patients, matched in a 1:1 ratio by sex and age with controls not undergoing cataract surgery. The exposure of interest was statin use in different durations (1, 5 and 10 years) compared with never use of statins. Conditional logistic regression provided adjusted HRs and corresponding 95% CIs in subgroups defined by established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension and individuals without these comorbidities. We identified 505 150 cataract surgery cases and found no increased HR of cataract surgery with statin treatment at any duration in any of the subgroups with established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, diabetes or hypertension.

CONCLUSION: Our findings do not support a possible association between long-term statin use and cataract in patients with established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, diabetes or hypertension. Although we found an association between statin use and cataract in individuals without these comorbidities, increasing durations of statin use did not yield higher cataract surgery rates.

TidsskriftThe British journal of ophthalmology
StatusE-pub ahead of print - 25 jul. 2024


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