Are children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in increased risk of atopic diseases and vice versa?


Introduction: Studies on the possible relationship between type 1 diabetes (T1D) and atopic diseases as atopic dermatitis (AD), rhinitis and asthma have yielded conflicting results. By using Danish national registries, big populations could be investigated in a time-to-event-method.

Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the bi-directional relationship between T1D and atopic diseases (AD, rhinitis, and asthma).

Methods: This study is a retrospective cohort study identifying cases of pediatric T1D and their risk of later atopic disease as outcome compared to a control population, and similarly identify cases of pediatric atopic diseases and their risk of later T1D. Diagnoses of T1D was based on ICD-10-codes which had been shown to have high validity, and atopic diseases was based on a combination of ICD-10-codes and Drug Prescription Data in an algorithm described by Henriksen et al. Cox proportional hazard regression models were used to examine the relationship between our primary exposures and outcomes in a multivariate model adjusting for age groups, sex, cesarian section and relevant family history of T1D and atopic diseases.

Results: This study is based on 2810 T1D-cases with 10 controls/case and 485,482 atopic cases with 2 controls/case from Danish national registries. Having T1D was associated with higher risk of developing AD [adjusted hazard ratio (HR, 95% CI): 1.22 (1.03; 1.43), p = 0.02], however when adjusting for multiple testing this result was no longer statistically significant. T1D did not increase the risk of later rhinitis, asthma, or any atopic disease. Lastly, we found no evidence for increased T1D-risk after being diagnosed with atopic disease, AD, rhinitis, or asthma.

Conclusions: Our national, registry-based study is the first to investigate the previously proposed bidirectional relationship between T1D and all three atopic diseases. These analyzes did not show clear inverse or positive associations between the two disease groups.
Publikationsdato20 okt. 2022
StatusUdgivet - 20 okt. 2022
BegivenhedISPAD 2022 - De forenede arabiske emirater, Abu Dhabi , United Arab Emirates
Varighed: 13 okt. 202216 okt. 2022


KonferenceISPAD 2022
LokationDe forenede arabiske emirater
Land/OmrådeUnited Arab Emirates
ByAbu Dhabi


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