Personlig profil


Overlæge og leder af Forskningsenheden, Palliativ Medicinsk Afdeling, Bispebjerg og Frederiksberg Hospital (2002 - )

Professor, Afdeling for Sundhedstjenesteforskning, Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab, Københavns Universitet (2012 - )


Research in palliative care, patient-reported outcomes in palliative care and oncology, health-related quality of life, clinical trials, questionnaire development and validation, clinical epidemiology

Primære forskningsområder

Health services research and clinical trials in palliative care;

Patient-reported outcomes, particularly in palliative care and oncology;

Development and validation of questionnaires – particularly concerning cancer patients’ symptoms, problems, and quality of life

Aktuel forskning

Danish Palliative Care Database: access to specialised palliative care; patient-reported outcomes (with Mathilde Adsersen, Maiken Bang Hansen and others)

Implementation of patient-reported outcomes (PRO) via 'ePRO' and best practive guidelines (with Mathilde Adsersen, Maiken Bang Hansen, Henrik Larsen, Lasse Nørgaard, Morten Aagaard Petersen and others)

Carer Support Needs Tool: Two Trials (with Line Lund, Lone Ross and others)

Development of CAT for the EORTC QLQ-C30 (with Morten Aagaard Petersen and others)

Evaluation of Dyadic Psychosocial and Educational Interventions for People with Advanced Cancer and their Informal Caregivers (DIAdIC): An International Randomized Controlled Trial (EU H2020, Danish part with Caroline Arnfeldt Christensen and others)

ACTION (Advance Care Planning) (EU FP7, Danish part with Caroline Arnfeldt Christensen and others)

Danish Palliative Care Trial (DanPaCT) (with Anna Thit Johnsen and others)

End of life care in Denmark as seen for bereaved carers (with Lone Ross and others)

Improving information to caregivers through adaptation and implementation of the HERMES intervention in the Danish healthcare system (with Line Lund, Mathilde Adsersen and others)

The HERMES information to relatives trial, Herlev Hospital (with Line Lund and others)





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