Billede af Maja Vestmø Maraldo

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil


Maja V. Maraldo, MD, PhD, is a clinical oncologist at the Department of Clincal Oncology, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Her research is primarily focused on improving the treatment of breast cancer and pediatric cancer patients by better understanding the long-term late effects of treatment, specifically cardiotoxicity, and how they relate to optimally managing contemporary patients. A major challenge in evaluating and reducing the late effects of treatment arises from the long interval between treatment and the outcomes of interest. As a result, observed toxicity risks often apply to treatments that are long outdated, and are hard to interpret in the context of modern therapy.

Primære forskningsområder

Radiotherapy for breast cancer, radiotherapy for pediatric cancer, cardiotoxicity

Aktuel forskning

Breast cancer:

National PI of ‘DESTINY-Breast-12’ by DaiIchi-Sankyo/AstraZeneca, local PI of DBCG Radiotherapy Committee ‘NATURAL’ and ‘SKAGEN-1’ trials, local PI of ‘HER2BIC’ trial, ARTILLERY cosortium, OLIGO-DK consortium

Pediatric radiotherapy:

Initiator of ‘REMIT: re-irradiation for diffuse midline glioma patients’ within NOPHO network, initiator of ‘TEDDI: Radiotherapy Delivery in Deep Inspiration for Pediatric Patients - A NOPHO Feasibility Study’

Mulige interessekonflikter

Nothing to declare


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