Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Physiotherapist, PhD-fellow, Research Coordinator

Kasper got involved with SORC-C back in 2012 an have completed his Bachelors and Master under the supervision of Kristian Thorborg. Since 2015 he has been working closely with Professor Per Hölmich and the rest of the team to incorporate different studies at the hospital, ranging from basic science projects and medical phase II trials, to larger pragmatic RCTs. Besides this, he has been working on his research pertaining to hamstring and groin injuries in sports, injury prevention and knee pain in adolescents.

He is currently appointed as a PhD-fellow focusing on improving the management and understanding of Osgood Schlatter. 


Treatment and prevention of hamstring strain and groin injuries in soccer players. Treatment and prevention of hip and knee osteoarthritis. Treatment and prevention of knee injuries in adolescents. 

Primære forskningsområder

Exercise anaylsis and selection in treatment and prevention of hamstring strain and groin injuries in soccer players. Treatment of knee injuries in adolescents.

  • Muscle injuries 
  • Football injury prevention
  • Adolescent knee pain
  • Arthroscopic surgery selection.



IOC Research Center Copenhagen, Sports Orthopedic Research Center - Copenhagen (SORC-C), Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Copenhagen University Hospital, Amager-Hvidovre.

Aktuel forskning


  • Bachelor: EMG evaluation of the Holmich Groin Prevention Programme
  • Master thesis: EMG rise of fast and slow hamstring exercises
  • A systematic review and meta-analysis of the FIFA 11 and 11+ programmes.
  • Activity and load modification in adolescents with patellofemoral pain and Osgood-Schlatter
  • A randomised controlled trial of meniscal surgery compared with exercise and patient education for treatment of meniscal tears in young adults
  • The Strengthening Exercises in Shoulder Impingement trial.

Forsknings- og undervisningsinformation


  • Bachelor in Physiotherapy, Københanvs Professionshøjskole: Innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Master in physiotherapy, University of Southern Denmark: Muscle injuries in sports
  • PhD Programme MUSKOS, lecture: Hamstring exercise specificity.


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