Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Since 2000 actively engaged in health promotion, prevention and behavioral medicine, primarily in prevention of diabetes, CVD risk and other non-communicable diseases. The main focus has been on health literacy and method development within complex interventions. With the rise of gestational diabetes mellitus and the great potential for prevention of type 2 diabetes, current focus is on developing a complex family intervention, with the aim to prevent type 2 diabetes, increase quality of life, health literacy and create a coherent prevention strategy within the Danish public health system.


Health promotion, prevention and behavioural medicine primarily in diabetes, CVD risk and other non-communicable diseases.

Method development within complex interventions

Responsible for Danish translation of four questionnaires (PACIC, PAM, HLQTM and HLS-EU).

Health literacy – measurements and interventions

Highly experienced with clinical work and research in national and international interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial collaborations and settings

Forsknings- og undervisningsinformation

Currently, supervisor for 12 Ph.D.-students (5 have qualified). Another 2 are in preparing phase

Supervisor for MSc Public Health students, general practitioners in research training etc.

Have assessed Master and PhD thesis as chair and as external assessor

Course coordinator for 15 ETCS course in health promotion and prevention, and 20 ETCS course in complex interventions in public health at the MSc in Public Health and a PhD course in complex interventions

More than 1.500 lectures in the field of public health, health promotion, complex interventions and research methodology

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

Currently, supervisor for 12 Ph.D.-students (5 have qualified). Another 2 are in preparing phase

Supervisor for MSc Public Health students, general practitioners in research training etc.

Have assessed Master and PhD thesis as chair and as external assessor

Course coordinator for 15 ETCS course in health promotion and prevention, and 20 ETCS course in complex interventions in public health at the MSc in Public Health and a PhD course in complex interventions

More than 1.500 lectures in the field of public health, health promotion, complex interventions and research methodology

Eksterne ansættelser

Ass. Professor, Aarhus Universitet


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