Personlig profil


Clinical and research work related to individuals with spinal cord lesions, due to traumatic and non-traumatic causes 

Primære forskningsområder

Primarily related to individuals with spinal cord lesions:

Epidemiology; Electrical stimulation; Urinary tract and sexual function; Spasticityt/contractures; Gait function including exoskeleton; Pain; Respiratory and cardiovascular function and sleep; Standardization of international spinal cord injury data sets and measurements

Aktuel forskning

Standardization of international spinal cord injury data sets; validation of various International Spinal Cord Injury Data Sets; validation of the Spinal Cord Independence Measure (SCIM IV); evaluation of the International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI) regarding the definition of completeness; melatonine and cortisol related to sleep in tetraplegia and high paraplegia; use of exoskeleton in individuals with spinal cord lesions; electrical stimulation for incontinence in women with spinal cord lesions; kidney function up to 55 years after spinal cord injury in relation to the results of urological imaging investigations and urodynamics; evaluating the use of telehealth in relation to individuals with spinal cord lesions; evaluation of materials for teaching of medical students about autonomic dysreflexia etc.; pressure ulcer treatment; shoulder problems in individuals with spinal cord lesions; resilience in individuals with spinal cord cord lesions and their relatives; etc.    

Mulige interessekonflikter

Received unconditional support for an exoskeleton study with Ekso Bionics. 

Received unconditional support from Reapplix ApS in relation to the use of LeucoPatch for wound healing.


Eksterne ansættelser

Københavns Universitet

2005 → …


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