Personlig profil


Exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction (EILO); Dyspnoea; Exercise; Athletes

Primære forskningsområder

Dr Emil S. Walsted explores the (pato-)physiology and properties of exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction at Bispebjerg University Hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark. Combining his past experience as a computer programmer with his medical degree and a special interest in respiratory physiology and exercise-related dyspnoea, he employs technology in innovative translational approaches to describe and explain the links between laryngeal dysfunction and breathlessness.

Aktuel forskning

The clinically challenging combination of co-existing asthma and exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction (EILO) constitutes the main focus of Emil S. Walsted's research while his long-term goal is to fully characterise and understand EILO, to help patients getting the right diagnosis and the right treatment - without undergoing clinical investigations for years and years. His current work aims to optimize the diagnosis and management of EILO in the asthma outpatient clinic, particularly in athletes but also in anyone with suspected asthma and dyspnoea on exertion.

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