Intet billede af Annick Francoise Urfer Parnas

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil


Acute psychiatry

Coercive measures in psychiatry- devlopment of therapeutical methodes in acute psychiatry

Psychopathology, especially in schizophrenia, in a phenomenological perspective


Primære forskningsområder

Cognition in schizophrenia: epidemiological study on premorbid IQ in mental illnesses

Clinical phenomenological research in psychopathology

Influence of involving patients in their treatment in a closed ward

Psychotherapeutic treatment on a closed ward and their influence on coercive measures

Aktuel forskning

Clinical study about auditive hallucination and the phenomena of double bookkeeping

Phenomenological and anthropological study of social of patients suffering of schizophrenia

Qualitative analysis of patients'report on their minor or major incidents with the staff

Mulige interessekonflikter



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