Personlig profil
Kort præsentation
Physiotherapist, MSc-student
Amalie is a young physiotherapist and researcher with great interest in maturations effect on performance in young athletes and sports-related pain and injuries in adolescents. She recently, in June 2022, finished her bachelor in Physiotherapy at University College Absalon, Roskilde. Amalie has been associated as a pre-graduate with SORC-C since august 2021. From 2022 she is taking a Master of Science in Health Science at University of Copenhagen and also continues her association with SORC-C.
Primære forskningsområder
Maturations effect on performance in young athletes and sports-related pain and injuries in adolescents.
Sports Orthopedic Research Center – Copenhagen, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, Denmark
Aktuel forskning
- SOGOOD Trial – tester.
- FAI Trial – tester.
- PSOAS Trial – tester.