

Aims and objectives

The Department of Radiology, Bispebjerg-Frederiksberg Hospital strives to develop, test and implement various advanced imaging techniques and expand their use for diagnosis of disease and monitoring of treatment responses.

We aim to understand the underlying pathology of various musculoskeletal and neurological disorders.

Focus areas

Our research is performed in close collaboration with several local and external collaborators. We maintain a core-centre function and cover a large variety of clinical areas especially within musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. Research within cardiology, abdominal surgery and lung diseases is also supported.

The musculoskeletal research addresses diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the spine, tendon diseases and sports-related injuries with emphasis on quantifying inflammation and biomechanical changes in joints and soft tissue.

The neuroradiological research addresses diseases such as stroke, intracerebral haemorrhage, transient ischaemic attack, neurovascular conditions (arterial dissection, stenosis), pain-disorders, psychosis and neurodegenerative disorders with emphasis on applying the research-based advancements into daily clinical practice in collaboration with clinical departments.

The department employs two associate professors, one post doc and one research technician. Supervision of several internal and external PhD and speciality students is maintained. The department expects to hold a clinical Professorship in musculoskeletal radiology by  2017.

Disciplines, methods and tools

The mainstay of research is based on MRI. Novel MRI techniques applied include dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI), weight-bearing MRI, T2-/T2*/T1rho-mapping, functional MRI (fMRI), 3D MRI tissue volume segmentation and MRI tractography.

Additionally,computed tomography (CT) and conventional x-ray imaging techniques are applied in both muskuloskeletal and neuroradiological research projects. 



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