

Aims and objectives

  • to improve rapid diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases with focus on both common and rare infections
  • to reduce use of broad spectrum antibiotics
  • to improve diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases 

Focus areas:

Tuberculosis, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, central nervous system infections, infections in the spine, chronic and acute viral infections, infections in the immunocompromised host and in patients with diabetes Antibiotic stewardship and use of guideline based antibiotic treatment


The aim is to work interdisciplinary with doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, medical students and other professional groups and to participate in national and international research projects


Tuberculosis: Assessment of prevalence and interactions in patients with double burden of disease. (The Danish Diabetes study (multicenter collaboration P.I at SDCC and HGH TB NET; a multicenter clinical network on TB  Center for Migration og Sundhed (MISU)

Central Nervous Infections: DASGIB (Danish Study Group for Infections in the Brain) a multicenter collaboration, research and quality assessment.

Chronic viral infections:, multicenter collaboration, research and quality assessment participation in: The Danish HIV cohort (DHK) and the Danish hepatitis cohort (DAN-HEP), The Danish Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) registry

Pneumonia: OptiCAP, a Danish multicenter study.  CAPNETZ a multinational center of excellence in community acquired pneumonia CAP-5 an RTC aiming to reduce use of antibiotic in CAP.

Urinary tract infections: GNB-5 an RTC aiming to reduce use of antibiotic in patients with urosepsis

Bacteremia: SAP7 an RTC aiming to reduce use of antibiotic in patients with staphylococcus aureus bacteremia

Disciplines, methods, tools:

  • Clinical science
  • Epidemiological studies, Quality assesment
  • Immunology and metabolism


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