Afdeling for Øre-Næse-Halskirurgi og Audiologi



Aims and objectives

To perform research within Otolaryngology, head and neck surgery in order to develop and implement new insights in all areas both clinical and pre-clinical.


Focus areas

The research focus on all areas relevant to Otolaryngology Head and Neck surgery comprising especially focus on surgical oncology, rhinology, otology, evidence-based teaching, nurse-related rehabilitation and trauma.

Furthermore, we strive to establish both national and international cooperation to setup, validate and sustain large population based clinical and non-clinical databases and biobanks related to our research.


Disciplines, methods and tools

The unit provides high-level international evidence mainly from large cohort and registry based studies, biobank-projects as well as RCTs .

The unit’s function is characterised to be multidisciplinary, multicenter and multinational and to implement clinical research into clinical practise. ???


Useful links

Forskning i Øre-næse-halskirurgisk og Audiologisk klinik


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