Mendelian Randomization

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhedDeltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus


Studies based on Mendelian randomization are increasingly being used to distinguish causal relationships from observational associations in epidemiology and to prioritize potential targets for pharmaceutical intervention. This course intends to explain both simple and more complex statistical methods for causal inference in Mendelian randomization studies, and the instrumental variable assumptions on which they are based.

Course tutors:

Stephen Burgess (MRC Biostatistics Unit and Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge)
Verena Zuber (Imperial College London)
Eric Slob (MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge)
Andrew Grant (MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge)
Amy Mason (Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge)
Dipender Gill (Imperial College London)
Periode8 mar. 202126 mar. 2021
Grad af anerkendelseInternational